English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: toss this days toes does thus tokyo ties ?

nòng to do / to manage / to handle / to play with / to fool with / to mess with / to fix / to toy with
玩具 wán plaything / toy
wán to play / to have fun / to trifle with / toy / sth used for amusement / curio or antique (Taiwan pr. [wan4]) / to keep sth for entertainment
玩弄 wán nòng to play with / to toy with / to dally with / to engage in / to resort to
万代 Wàn dài Bandai toy company
乐高 gāo Lego (toys)
玩偶 wán ǒu toy figurine / action figure / stuffed animal / doll / (fig.) sb's plaything
积木 toy building blocks
试玩 shì wán to try out (a game, toy etc)
公仔 gōng zǎi doll / cuddly toy
玩意 wán toy / plaything / thing / act / trick (in a performance, stage show, acrobatics etc)
发条 tiáo clockwork spring (used to power a watch or windup toy etc) / (attributive) windup; clockwork
竹马 zhú bamboo stick used as a toy horse
水枪 shuǐ qiāng water pistol (toy) / water gun / sprinkler / water cannon
玩物 wán toy; plaything
上弦 shàng xián to wind up a watch, clockwork toy etc / to tighten the string of a bow, violin etc / first quarter (phase of the moon)
táo a drum-shaped rattle (used by peddlers or as a toy) / rattle-drum
拨浪鼓 lang a drum-shaped rattle (used by peddlers or as a toy) / rattle-drum
toy formed of a spindle with two sharp ends
食玩 shí wán small toy or figurine included with a food product / DIY candy kit
尜尜 ga toy formed of a spindle with two sharp ends / brochette (such as corncob)
扭蛋 niǔ dàn toy in a capsule (dispensed from a vending machine)
转蛋 zhuǎn dàn toy in a capsule (dispensed from a vending machine)
不倒翁 dǎo wēng roly-poly toy
布偶 ǒu stuffed toy; rag doll

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