English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to suck to tack to tick to touch to sack to hack to kick to dock ?

开动 kāi dòng to start / to set in motion / to move / to march / to dig in (eating) / to tuck in (eating)
to tuck (into a pocket) / to hide / to conceal
xiù sleeve / to tuck inside one's sleeve
夹起尾巴 jiā wěi ba to tuck one's tail between one's legs / fig. to back down / in a humiliating situation
揣在怀里 chuāi zài huái to tuck into one's bosom
搋在怀里 chuāi zài huái to tuck into one's bosom / also written 揣在懷裡|揣在怀里

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