English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to tax to take to tack to tag to task to wax ?

打车 chē to take a taxi (in town) / to hitch a lift
lán to block sb's path / to obstruct / to flag down (a taxi)
滑行 huá xíng to slide / to coast / to glide / (of an aircraft) to taxi
伴舞 bàn to be a dancing partner to sb / to perform as a backup dancer / taxi dancer (hired dancing partner) / escort
拒载 zài to refuse to take a passenger (of taxi)
打的 (coll.) to take a taxi / to go by taxi
踏袭 to follow blindly
打表 biǎo to run the meter (in a taxi)
拉活 huó (northern dialect) to pick up a fare (as a taxi driver) / to pick up a piece of work (as a courier)
接单 jiē dān to take a customer's order / (of a taxi driver) to accept a booking / (of a delivery rider) to accept a delivery job
接活 jiē huó to take on a piece of work / to pick up some freelance work / (of a taxi driver) to pick up a fare

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