English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to say to soak to assay to saw to sag to wag to wax ?

动摇 dòng yáo to sway / to waver / to rock / to rattle / to destabilize / to pose a challenge to
摆动 bǎi dòng to sway / to swing / to move back and forth / to oscillate
忽悠 you to rock / to sway / to flicker (e.g. of lights reflected on water) / to flutter (e.g. of a flag) / to trick sb into doing sth / to dupe / to con
huàng to sway / to shake / to wander about
摇摆 yáo bǎi to sway / to wobble / to waver
摇晃 yáo huàng to rock; to shake; to sway
晃荡 huàng dang to rock / to sway / to shake
前仰后合 qián yǎng hòu to sway to and fro / to rock back and forth
摇曳 yáo to sway gently (as in the wind); (of a flame) to flicker
摇动 yáo dòng to shake / to sway
qiàng stagger / sway from side to side
依依 reluctant to part / (of grass etc) soft and pliable, swaying in the wind
招展 zhāo zhǎn to flutter / to sway
拂动 dòng (of a breeze) to make (hair, leaves, clothing etc) sway gently; to ruffle
liàng stagger / sway from side to side
扭腰 niǔ yāo to sway one's hips / to twist one's waist
飘忽 piāo swiftly moving / fleet / to sway
晃悠 huàng you to swing / to sway / to wobble / to hang around / to hover around
东倒西歪 dōng dǎo wāi to lean unsteadily from side to side (idiom) / to sway / (of buildings etc) to lean at a crazy angle
婆娑 suō to swirl about / (of leaves and branches) to sway
晃动 huàng dòng to sway / to rock
to shake / to sway
zhǎn to sway in the wind
扭摆 niǔ bǎi to twist and sway (one's body)
xùn to give in to / to be swayed by (personal considerations etc) / Taiwan pr. [xun2] / to follow / to expose publicly / variant of 侚[xun4] / variant of 殉[xun4]

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