English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: tissue to sue ?

to beat / to strike / to hit / to break / to type / to mix up / to build / to fight / to fetch / to make / to tie up / to issue / to shoot / to calculate / to play (a game) / since / from
to send out / to show (one's feeling) / to issue / to develop / to make a bundle of money / classifier for gunshots (rounds)
to carry (hanging down from the hand) / to lift / to put forward / to mention / to raise (an issue) / upwards character stroke / lifting brush stroke (in painting) / scoop for measuring liquid
提出 chū to raise (an issue) / to propose / to put forward / to suggest / to post (on a website) / to withdraw (cash)
a period of time / phase / stage / classifier for issues of a periodical, courses of study / time / term / period / to hope / Taiwan pr. [qi2]
发送 sòng to transmit / to dispatch / to issue (an official document or credential)
发表 biǎo to issue / to publish
发出 chū to issue (an order, decree etc); to send out; to dispatch / to produce (a sound); to let out (a laugh)
作出 zuò chū to put out / to come up with / to make (a choice, decision, proposal, response, comment etc) / to issue (a permit, statement, explanation, apology, reassurance to the public etc) / to draw (conclusion) / to deliver (speech, judgment) / to devise (explanation) / to extract
发布 to release / to issue / to announce / to distribute / also written 發布|发布[fa1 bu4]
发布 to release / to issue / to announce / to distribute
发行 xíng to publish; to issue; to release; to distribute
签证 qiān zhèng visa / to issue a visa
回避 huí to shun / to avoid (sb) / to skirt / to evade (an issue) / to step back / to withdraw / to recuse (a judge etc)
围绕 wéi rào to revolve around / to center on (an issue)
酝酿 yùn niàng (of alcohol) to ferment / (of a crisis) to be brewing / to mull over (an issue) / to hold exploratory discussions
散发 sàn to distribute / to emit / to issue
颁发 bān to issue / to promulgate / to award
颁布 bān to issue / to proclaim / to enact (laws, decrees etc)
出具 chū to issue (document, certificate etc) / to provide
下令 xià lìng to give an order; to issue an order
做出 zuò chū to put out / to issue
始发 shǐ (of trains etc) to set off (on a journey) / to start (being issued or circulated) / to start (happening) / originating
发给 gěi to issue / to grant / to distribute
认购 rèn gòu to undertake to purchase sth / to subscribe (to share issue)

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