Did you mean: to choose to use to cause teahouse to husk ?
门 | mén | gate / door / CL:扇[shan4] / gateway / doorway / CL:個|个[ge4] / opening / valve / switch / way to do something / knack / family / house / (religious) sect / school (of thought) / class / category / phylum or division (taxonomy) / classifier for large guns / classifier for lessons, subjects, branches of technology / (suffix) -gate (i.e. scandal; derived from Watergate) |
搬家 | bān jiā | to move house; to relocate / to remove (sth) |
寄 | jì | to send / to mail / to entrust / to depend on / to attach oneself to / to live (in a house) / to lodge / foster (son etc) |
急诊 | jí zhěn | to give or receive urgent medical treatment / emergency treatment (at a hospital emergency department or from a doctor on a house call) |
挨家挨户 | āi jiā āi hù | to go from house to house |
居 | jū | to reside / to be (in a certain position) / to store up / to be at a standstill / residence / house / restaurant / classifier for bedrooms |
廉 | lián | incorruptible / honest / inexpensive / to investigate (old) / side wall of a traditional Chinese house (old) |
参 | cān | to take part in / to participate / to join / to attend / to counsel / unequal / varied / irregular / uneven / not uniform / abbr. for 參議院|参议院 Senate, Upper House |
舍 | shè | (bound form) residence; house / (bound form) my (in speaking of relatives younger than oneself) / (archaic) unit of distance equal to 30 li 里[li3] |
买房 | mǎi fáng | to buy a house |
入户 | rù hù | to enter sb's house / to obtain a residence permit |
人家 | rén jiā | household / dwelling / family / sb else's house / household business / house of woman's husband-to-be / CL:戶|户[hu4],家[jia1] |
趁火打劫 | chèn huǒ - dǎ jié | lit. to loot a burning house (idiom) / fig. to take advantage of sb's misfortune |
书馆 | shū guǎn | teashop with performance by 評書|评书 story tellers / (attached to name of publishing houses) / (in former times) private school / library (of classic texts) |
招租 | zhāo zū | (of a house or room) to be for rent |
采花 | cǎi huā | to pick flowers / to enter houses at night in order to rape women |
出诊 | chū zhěn | to visit a patient at home (of a doctor) / house call |
收容 | shōu róng | to provide a place to stay / to house / to accommodate / (of an institution etc) to take in / to accept |
开间 | kāi jiān | unit for the width of a room, equal to the standard width of a room in an old-style house – about 10 chi 尺[chi3] / width of a room / (architecture) bay |
通水 | tōng shuǐ | to have running water (in a house etc) |
进深 | jìn shēn | (of a house or room) distance from the entrance to the rear; depth |
过家家 | guò jiā jiā | to play house |
搬动 | bān dòng | to move (sth) around / to move house |
翻修 | fān xiū | to rebuild (house or road) / to overhaul |
抄家 | chāo jiā | to search a house and confiscate possessions |