Did you mean: to cease to shake to tease to choose to cause to choke to ease to cash ?
追 | zhuī | to chase / to pursue / to look into / to investigate / to reminisce / to recall / to court (one's beloved) / to binge-watch (a TV drama) / retroactively / posthumously |
追逐 | zhuī zhú | to chase / to pursue vigorously |
追赶 | zhuī gǎn | to pursue / to chase after / to accelerate / to catch up with / to overtake |
逐 | zhú | (bound form) to pursue / to chase away / individually / one by one |
趋之若鹜 | qū zhī ruò wù | to rush like ducks (idiom); the mob scrabbles madly for sth unobtainable / an unruly crowd on a wild goose chase |
追梦 | zhuī mèng | to chase a dream; to pursue one's dreams |
追杀 | zhuī shā | to chase to kill |
猎艳 | liè yàn | to chase women / to express oneself in a pompous flowery style |
驱赶 | qū gǎn | to drive (vehicle) / to drive out / to chase away / to herd (people towards a gate) |
捕风捉影 | bǔ fēng zhuō yǐng | lit. chasing the wind and clutching at shadows (idiom); fig. groundless accusations / to act on hearsay evidence |
泡妞 | pào niū | to pick up girls / to play around with girls / to chase after girls |
钻牛角尖 | zuān niú jiǎo jiān | lit. to penetrate into a bull's horn (idiom); fig. to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem / to bash one's head against a brick wall / a wild goose chase / a blind alley / to split hairs |
逐梦 | zhú mèng | to chase a dream; to pursue one's dreams |
追龙 | zhuī lóng | (slang) to inhale the vapor from heroin heated on a piece of aluminum foil; to chase the dragon |
撵 | niǎn | to expel / to oust / (dialect) to chase after / to try to catch up with |
白跑一趟 | bái pǎo yī tàng | to go on an errand for nothing / to go on a wild-goose chase |
钻牛角 | zuān niú jiǎo | lit. honing a bull's horn; fig. to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem / to bash one's head against a brick wall / a wild goose chase / a blind alley / to split hairs / same as idiom 鑽牛角尖|钻牛角尖 |
拍婆子 | pāi pó zi | to chase girls / to hang around with girls |
追打 | zhuī dǎ | to chase and beat |