Did you mean: to tease to ease to chase to cause to cash ?
停止 | tíng zhǐ | to stop; to halt; to cease |
中止 | zhōng zhǐ | to cease / to suspend / to break off / to stop / to discontinue |
停业 | tíng yè | to cease trading (temporarily or permanently) / to close down |
遗忘 | yí wàng | to forget; to cease to think about (sb or sth) anymore |
赞不绝口 | zàn bù jué kǒu | to praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven |
赞不绝口 | zàn bù jué kǒu | to praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven |
息 | xī | breath / news / interest (on an investment or loan) / to cease / to stop / to rest / Taiwan pr. [xi2] |
休 | xiū | to rest / to stop doing sth for a period of time / to cease / (imperative) don't |
辍 | chuò | to stop (before completion) / to cease / to suspend |
罢 | bà | to stop / to cease / to dismiss / to suspend / to quit / to finish |
寝 | qǐn | (bound form) to lie down to sleep or rest / (bound form) bedroom / (bound form) imperial tomb / (literary) to stop; to cease |
结业 | jié yè | to finish school, esp. a short course / to complete a course / (of a company) to cease operations |
停息 | tíng xī | to stop / to cease |
变心 | biàn xīn | to cease to feel a sense of loyalty (or gratitude etc) to sb or sth / to fall out of love with sb |
停战 | tíng zhàn | to cease fire; to stop fighting / armistice; truce |
戢 | jí | to restrain oneself / to collect / to hoard / to store up / to cease |
人走茶凉 | rén zǒu chá liáng | lit. when people leave, the tea cools (idiom) / fig. when sb is no longer in a position of power, others cease to care about him |
停火 | tíng huǒ | to cease fire / ceasefire |
卸磨杀驴 | xiè mò shā lǘ | lit. to kill the donkey when the grinding is done (idiom) / fig. to get rid of sb once he has ceased to be useful |
止息 | zhǐ xī | to cease / to end |
偃旗息鼓 | yǎn qí xī gǔ | lit. lay down the flag and still the drums (idiom); fig. to cease / to give in |
没了 | méi le | to be dead / not to be, or cease to exist |
休兵 | xiū bīng | to cease fire / armistice / rested troops |
停住 | tíng zhù | to stop / to halt / to cease |
偃息 | yǎn xī | (literary) to take a rest / (literary) to cease |