English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: these this tuose taose thus tease toss tse ?

(specifier) that; the; those (colloquial pr. [nei4]) / (pronoun) that (referring to persons, things or situations) / then (in that case)
那些 xiē those
上边 shàng bian the top / above / overhead / upwards / the top margin / above-mentioned / those higher up
那时 shí then / at that time / in those days
当年 dāng nián in those days / then / in those years / during that time
入选 xuǎn to be included among those selected for
所属 suǒ shǔ one's affiliation (i.e. the organization one is affiliated with) / subordinate (i.e. those subordinate to oneself) / belonging to / affiliated / under one's command
接班 jiē bān to take over (from those working the previous shift) / to take over (in a leadership role etc) / to succeed sb
水仙 shuǐ xiān narcissus / daffodil / legendary aquatic immortal / refers to those buried at sea / person who wanders abroad and does not return
清流 qīng liú clean flowing water / (fig.) (literary) honorable person, untainted by association with disreputable influences / scholars who (in former times) kept themselves aloof from the corrupting influence of those in power
that / those / (one) another
扶危济困 wēi kùn to help those in distress (idiom)
名列 míng liè to rank (number 1, or third last etc) / to be among (those who are in a particular group)
年间 nián jiān in the years of / during those years / period (of dynasty or decade)
近朱者赤,近墨者黑 jìn zhū zhě chì , jìn zhě hēi those who handle cinnabar are stained red; those who work with ink are stained black (idiom) / you are the product of your environment
连坐 lián zuò to treat as guilty those associated with an offender (family, neighbors etc)
扬长而去 yáng cháng ér to swagger off / to walk off (or drive off etc) without a second thought for those left behind
趋炎附势 yán shì to curry favor (idiom); playing up to those in power / social climbing
当局者迷,旁观者清 dāng zhě , páng guān zhě qīng (idiom) an outsider can see things more clearly or objectively than those involved
党同伐异 dǎng tóng to be narrowly partisan / to unite with those of the same views but alienate those with different views
旁观者清 páng guān zhě qīng an outsider can see things more clearly or objectively than those involved (idiom)
晚辈 wǎn bèi the younger generation / those who come after
得道多助 dào duō zhù a just cause enjoys abundant support (idiom); those upholding justice will find help all around
济困扶危 kùn wēi to help those in distress (idiom)
惩前毖后 chéng qián hòu lit. to punish those before to prevent those after (idiom); to criticize former mistakes firmly to prevent them happening again

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