English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: teach touch techu teci tick tack tuck teji ?

高科技 gāo high tech; high technology
高新技术 gāo xīn shù high tech / high technology
中国制造2025 Zhōng guó Zhì zào èr líng èr Made in China 2025, strategic plan to upgrade Chinese industry especially in high-tech areas, approved by China's State Council in 2015
搜狗 Sōu gǒu Sogou, Chinese tech company known for its search engine, www.sogou.com
新竹市 Xīn zhú shì Hsinchu, city in north Taiwan noted for its high tech industries
新竹 Xīn zhú Xinzhu or Hsinchu city in northern Taiwan, noted for high tech industries / Xinzhu or Hsinchu county in northwest Taiwan
科企 science & technology and industry / tech company
科技感 gǎn high tech feel (of a product etc) / the impression that sb's looks are artificial, affected by cosmetic procedures
追新 zhuī xīn to seek out the new (e.g. the latest tech products)
高技术 gāo shù high technology / high tech

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