English to Chinese Dictionary


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jiāo to teach
上课 shàng to go to class / to attend class / to go to teach a class
教育 jiào to educate / to teach / education
讲课 jiǎng teach / lecture
传授 chuán shòu to impart; to pass on; to teach
管教 guǎn jiào to discipline / to teach / to guarantee
xùn to teach; to train; to admonish / (bound form) instruction (from superiors); teachings; rule
函授 hán shòu to teach by correspondence
传人 chuán rén to teach / to impart / a disciple / descendant
灌输 guàn shū to imbue with / to inculcate / to instill into / to teach / to impart / to channel water to another place
shòu (bound form) to confer; to give / (bound form) to teach; to instruct / (literary) to appoint
教学 jiāo xué to teach (as a professor)
huì to teach / to instruct / to induce
开课 kāi school begins / give a course / teach a subject
讲授 jiǎng shòu to lecture; to teach
灌注 guàn zhù to pour into / perfusion (med.) / to concentrate one's attention on / to teach / to inculcate / to instill
发蒙 méng (old) to instruct the young / to teach a child to read and write / as easy as ABC
教书 jiāo shū to teach (in a school)
教会 jiāo huì to show / to teach
言传身教 yán chuán shēn jiào to teach by words and example (idiom)
执教 zhí jiào to teach / to be a teacher / to train / to coach
调教 tiáo jiào to instruct / to teach / to train / to raise (livestock)
因材施教 yīn cái shī jiào (idiom) to teach in line with the student's ability
授业 shòu to teach / to bequeath
代课 dài to teach as substitute for absent teacher

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