English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: taizi taigu taixu taizhu taizuo taiju tazu tuizu ?

太祖 tài Great Ancestor (posthumous title, e.g. for the founder of a dynasty)
明太祖 Míng Tài Ming Taizu, temple name of first Ming emperor Hongwu 洪武[Hong2 wu3]
赵匡胤 Zhào Kuāng yìn Zhao Kuangyin, personal name of founding Song emperor Song Taizu 宋太祖 (927-976)
宋太祖 Sòng Tài Emperor Taizu of Song, posthumous title of the founding Song emperor Zhao Kuangyin 趙匡胤|赵匡胤 (927-976), reigned from 960
朱温 Zhū Wēn Zhu Wen (852-912), military governor 節度使|节度使[jie2 du4 shi3] at the end of Tang, founder of Later Liang of the Five Dynasties (907-923), also known as Emperor Taizu of Later Liang 後梁太祖|后梁太祖[Hou4 Liang2 Tai4 zu3]
杯酒释兵权 bēi jiǔ shì bīng quán to dismiss military hierarchy using wine cups / cf Song founding Emperor Song Taizu 宋太祖 holds a banquet in 961 and persuades his senior army commanders to go home to their provinces

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