English to Chinese Dictionary


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呜咽 to sob / to whimper
唏嘘 (onom.) to sigh / to sob
to sob / wail
chuò (literary) to drink / to sip / to sob
抽噎 chōu to sob
抽泣 chōu to sob spasmodically
huáng sobbing / sound of bell
sound of sobbing
to sob
啜泣 chuò to sob
xuǎn glorious / sob / weep
to sob
抽搭 chōu da to sob
抽咽 chōu to sob
哭腔 qiāng sobbing tone / sob / dirge / opera tune portraying mourning
欷歔 (onom.) to sob
凄梗 gěng (literary) wailing; choking with sobs
哽咽 gěng to choke with emotion / to choke with sobs
咽住 yàn zhù to suppress (a sob, harsh words etc)
抽抽噎噎 chōu chou to sob and sniffle
放声大哭 fàng shēng - to sob loudly; to bawl

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