English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: safe shave suave shape sava sieve sap shove ?

jié joint; node / (bound form) section; segment / solar term (one of the 24 divisions of the year in the traditional Chinese calendar) / seasonal festival / (bound form) to economize; to save / (bound form) moral integrity; chastity / classifier for segments: lessons, train wagons, biblical verses etc / knot (nautical miles per hour)
shěng to save; to economize; to be frugal / to omit; to delete; to leave out / province / provincial capital / a ministry (of the Japanese government)
jiù to save / to assist / to rescue
保存 bǎo cún to conserve / to preserve / to keep / to save (a file etc) (computing)
节省 jié shěng saving / to save / to use sparingly / to cut down on
救援 jiù yuán to save / to support / to help / to assist
救命 jiù mìng to save sb's life / (interj.) Help! / Save me!
省钱 shěng qián to save money
拯救 zhěng jiù to save; to rescue
积蓄 to save; to put aside / savings
zǎn to collect / to hoard / to accumulate / to save
解救 jiě jiù to rescue / to help out of difficulties / to save the situation
挽救 wǎn jiù to save / to remedy / to rescue
储蓄 chǔ to save money (in a bank) / savings
省事 shěng shì to simplify matters; to save trouble
节水 jié shuǐ to save water
节衣缩食 jié suō shí to save on food and clothing (idiom); to live frugally
存档 cún dàng to archive; to place on file / saved data (for a video game etc)
zhù to store / to save / stockpile / Taiwan pr. [zhu3]
要脸 yào liǎn to save sb's face
存储 cún chǔ to store up / to stockpile / (computer) to save / to store / memory / storage
得救 jiù to be saved
保全 bǎo quán to save from damage / to preserve / to maintain / to keep in good repair / (Tw) security guard
节电 jié diàn to save electricity / power saving
省得 shěng de to avoid / so as to save (money or time)

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