English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: qian kin can qun gun gain quan gan ?

qīn parent / one's own (flesh and blood) / relative / related / marriage / bride / close / intimate / in person / first-hand / in favor of / pro- / to kiss / (Internet slang) dear
qín guqin 古琴[gu3 qin2] (a type of zither) / musical instrument in general
qín variant of 琴[qin2], guqin or zither
Qín surname Qin / Qin dynasty (221-207 BC) of the first emperor 秦始皇[Qin2 Shi3huang2] / short name for 陝西|陕西[Shan3xi1]
qìn to seep / to percolate
qín to capture
先秦 xiān Qín pre-Qin, Chinese history up to the foundation of the Qin imperial dynasty in 221 BC
qín generic term for birds and animals / birds / to capture (old)
surname Di / generic name for northern ethnic minorities during the Qin and Han Dynasties (221 BC-220 AD)
qín diligent / industrious / hardworking / frequent / regular / constant
函谷关 Hán Guān Hangu Pass in modern day Henan Province, strategic pass forming the eastern gate of the Qin State during the Warring States Period (770-221 BC)
商鞅 Shāng Yāng Shang Yang (c. 390-338 BC), legalist philosopher and statesman of the state of Qin 秦國|秦国[Qin2 guo2], whose reforms paved the way for the eventual unification of the Chinese empire by the Qin dynasty 秦朝|秦朝[Qin2 chao2]
Qīn surname Qin
qīn to respect / to admire / to venerate / by the emperor himself
qīn to invade / to encroach / to infringe / to approach
qín Chinese celery
qín to carve
秦朝 Qín cháo Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC)
秦汉 Qín Hàn the Qin (221-207 BC) and Han (206 BC-220 AD) dynasties
qín used in phonetic transcription -xine, -zine or -chin
qín variant of 勤[qin2] / industrious / solicitous
qǐn (bound form) to lie down to sleep or rest / (bound form) bedroom / (bound form) imperial tomb / (literary) to stop; to cease
匈奴 Xiōng Xiongnu, a people of the Eastern Steppe who created an empire that flourished around the time of the Qin and Han dynasties
秦国 Qín guó the state of Qin, one of the seven states of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC)
巴蜀 shǔ Sichuan / originally two provinces of Qin and Han

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