English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: ni nie nu no new now non niue ?

niú ox / cow / bull / CL:條|条[tiao2],頭|头[tou2] / newton (abbr. for 牛頓|牛顿[niu2 dun4]) / (slang) awesome
niǔ to turn / to twist / to wring / to sprain / to swing one's hips
niǔ to turn / to wrench / button / nu (Greek letter Νν)
Niú surname Niu
niū girl
Niǔ surname Niu
niǔ button
niǔ used in 忸怩[niu3ni2]
niǔ accustomed to
niǔ handcuffs / red apricot
niù stubborn / obstinate
牛轭礁 Niú è Jiāo Niu'e Reef, disputed territory in the South China Sea, claimed by China, Vietnam and the Philippines, aka Whitsun Reef or Julian Felipe Reef

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