English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: known now no new knee gnaw nou konoe ?

认识 rèn shi to know / to recognize / to be familiar with / to get acquainted with sb / knowledge / understanding / awareness / cognition
huì can; to have the skill; to know how to / to be likely to; to be sure to / to meet; to get together / meeting; gathering / (suffix) union; group; association / (bound form) a moment (Taiwan pr. [hui3])
告诉 gào su to tell; to inform; to let know
知道 zhī dào to know; to become aware of / also pr. [zhi1dao5]
tōng to go through / to know well / (suffix) expert / to connect / to communicate / open / to clear / classifier for letters, telegrams, phone calls etc
懂得 dǒng de to understand; to know; to comprehend
体会 huì to know from experience / to learn through experience / to realize / understanding / experience
认得 rèn de to recognize / to remember sth (or sb) on seeing it / to know
兴趣 xìng interest (desire to know about sth) / interest (thing in which one is interested); hobby / CL:個|个[ge4]
掌握 zhǎng to grasp (often fig.) / to control / to seize (initiative, opportunity, destiny) / to master / to know well / to understand sth well and know how to use it / fluency
熟悉 shú to be familiar with; to know well
rèn to recognize / to know / to admit
shí to know / knowledge / Taiwan pr. [shi4]
jiě to divide / to break up / to split / to separate / to dissolve / to solve / to melt / to remove / to untie / to loosen / to open / to emancipate / to explain / to understand / to know / a solution / a dissection
母鸡 hen / don't know (humorous slang mimicking Cantonese 唔知, Jyutping: m4 zi1)
晓得 xiǎo de to know
知己 zhī to know oneself / to be intimate or close / intimate friend
秘诀 jué secret know-how / key (to longevity) / secret (of happiness) / recipe (for success)
众所周知 zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī (idiom) as everyone knows
结识 jié shí to get to know sb / to meet sb for the first time
相识 xiāng shí to get to know each other / acquaintance
知足 zhī content with one's situation / to know contentment (hence happiness)
哭笑不得 xiào lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom) / both funny and extremely embarrassing / between laughter and tears
窍门 qiào mén a trick / an ingenious method / know-how / the knack (of doing sth)
不知 zhī not to know / unaware / unknowingly / fig. not to admit (defeat, hardships, tiredness etc)

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