English to Chinese Dictionary


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shān mountain; hill (CL:座[zuo4]) / (coll.) small bundle of straw for silkworms to spin cocoons on
山寨 shān zhài fortified hill village / mountain stronghold (esp. of bandits) / (fig.) knockoff (goods) / counterfeit / imitation
下山 xià shān to go down a hill / (of the sun or moon) to set
丘陵 qiū líng hills
山冈 shān gāng mound / small hill
gàng hill / long and narrow highland / (used in place names)
青山 qīng shān green hills / (the good) life
上山 shàng shān to climb a hill / to go to the mountains / (of silkworms) to go up bundles of straw (to spin cocoons) / to pass away / (of the sun or moon) to rise
líng mound / tomb / hill / mountain
荒山 huāng shān desert mountain / barren hill
希尔 ěr Hill (name) / Christopher Hill, US undersecretary of state of East Asian affairs
(dialect) strip of land between hills / used in place names / also pr. [ya4]
name of hills in Shandong
(of a bird, animal or plant) male / key / hills
xiàn abbr. for 峴首山|岘首山[Xian4 shou3 shan1] / Mt Xianshou in Hubei / steep hill / used in place names
岗地 gǎng non-irrigated farmland on low hills
孤山 Shān Solitary Hill, located in West Lake, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province
stony hill / rocky mountain / (used in place names)
群山 qún shān mountains / a range of hills
穷山恶水 qióng shān è shuǐ lit. barren hills and wild rivers (idiom) / fig. inhospitable natural environment
青山绿水 qīng shān shuǐ lit. green hills and clear waters / pleasant country scene (idiom)
foot of a hill
山清水秀 shān qīng shuǐ xiù lit. verdant hills and limpid water (idiom) / fig. enchanting scenery
mǎo type of water plant / (dialect) loess hills
山岳 shān yuè mountain / hill / lofty mountain

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