English to Chinese Dictionary


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傍晚 bàng wǎn in the evening / when night falls / towards evening / at night fall / at dusk
从早到晚 cóng zǎo dào wǎn from morning till night / from dawn to dusk / all day long
黄昏 huáng hūn dusk / evening / nightfall
dusk / evening / Taiwan pr. [xi4]
朝朝暮暮 zhāo zhāo from dawn to dusk / all the time
天黑 tiān hēi to get dark / dusk
薄暮 dusk / twilight
长庚 Cháng gēng Classical Chinese name for planet Venus in the west after dusk
暮色苍茫 cāng máng the hazy dusk of twilight (idiom)
傍黑 bàng hēi dusk
朝花夕拾 Zhāo huā shí "Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk", a collection of autobiographical essays by Lu Xun 魯迅|鲁迅[Lu3 Xun4]
薄暗 àn at dusk / evening
夜色苍茫 cāng máng gathering dusk
擦黑儿 hēir (dialect) dusk
朝生暮死 zhāo shēng lit. born in the morning and dying at dusk (idiom) / fig. ephemeral / transient
蒙蒙黑 mēng mēng hēi dusk

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