English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: dazhi dishi dizhu dish daizhi dizi tizhi dezhi ?

地址 zhǐ address / CL:個|个[ge4]
抵制 zhì to resist / to boycott / to refuse (to cooperate) / to reject / resistance / refusal
地质 zhì geology
地支 zhī the 12 earthly branches 子[zi3], 丑[chou3], 寅[yin2], 卯[mao3], 辰[chen2], 巳[si4], 午[wu3], 未[wei4], 申[shen1], 酉[you3], 戌[xu1], 亥[hai4], used cyclically in the calendar and as ordinal numbers I, II etc
帝制 zhì autocratic monarchy / imperial regime
底止 zhǐ (literary) end / limit
低脂 zhī low fat
递质 zhì neurotransmitter
踶跂 zhī overconfident and conceited mannerisms
底汁 zhī stock (cooking) / base (of sauce or gravy)

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