English to Chinese Dictionary


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lún wheel; disk; ring / steamship / to take turns; to rotate / classifier for big round objects: disk, or recurring events: round, turn
硬盘 yìng pán hard disk
驱动 dòng to drive / to propel / drive (vehicle wheel) / drive mechanism (tape or disk) / device driver (computing software)
磁盘 pán (computer) disk
piān disk / sheet
转轮 zhuàn lún rotating disk / wheel / rotor / cycle of reincarnation in Buddhism
圆盘 yuán pán disk
磁碟 dié (magnetic) computer disk (hard disk or floppy)
扇区 shàn disk sector (computing)
磁盘驱动器 pán dòng disk drive
盘符 pán drive letter (letter assigned to a disk drive or partition) (computing)
软碟 ruǎn dié floppy disk
磁片 piàn magnetic disk
腰椎间盘突出症 yāo zhuī jiān pán chū zhèng herniated lumbar disk
函式库 hán shì library (partition on computer hard disk)
映象文件 yìng xiàng wén jiàn (computing) disk image (aka image file); ISO image
腰椎间盘突出 yāo zhuī jiān pán chū slipped disk / vertebral herniation / prolapsed disk
光磁碟 guāng dié magneto-optical disk / floptical disk
刻录机 disk burner
椎间盘 zhuī jiān pán intervertebral disk
激光唱片 guāng chàng piàn compact disk; CD / CL:片[pian4],張|张[zhang1]
璧玉 jade disk with a hole in the center
研磨盘 yán pán abrasive disk / sanding disk
硬式磁碟机 yìng shì dié hard disk / hard drive
硬碟 yìng dié (Tw) hard disk / hard drive

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