English to Chinese Dictionary


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日子 zi day / a (calendar) date / days of one's life
那时 shí then / at that time / in those days
当年 dāng nián in those days / then / in those years / during that time
近日 jìn (in) the past few days / recently / (within) the next few days
末日 last day / end / final days / doomsday
早日 zǎo soon; at an early date / the early days; the past
往日 wǎng former days; the past
昔日 former days / in the past
日前 qián the other day / a few days ago
过日子 guò zi to live one's life / to pass one's days / to get along
末路 dead end; impasse / end of the road; final days
xún ten days / ten years / full period
天数 tiān shù number of days / fate / destiny
几天 tiān several days
日内 nèi in a few days / one of these days
年月 nián yuè months and year / time / days of one's life
旧日 jiù former times / olden days
连日 lián day after day / for several days running
hòu to wait / to inquire after / to watch / season / climate / (old) period of five days
新春 xīn chūn the beginning of Spring / the 10 or 20 days following the lunar New Year's Day
年头 nián tóu start of the year / whole year / a particular year / period / days / epoch / a year's harvest
上天 shàng tiān Heaven; Providence; God / the sky above / to fly skywards / (euphemism) to die; to pass away / the previous day (or days)
to lean over / to fall (go down) / to hide (in ambush) / to conceal oneself / to lie low / hottest days of summer / to submit / to concede defeat / to overcome / to subdue / volt
寒食 hán shí cold food (i.e. to abstain from cooked food for 3 days around the Qingming festival 清明節|清明节) / the Qingming festival
末伏 the third of the three annual periods of hot weather (三伏[san1 fu2]), which typically runs over the middle ten days of August

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