English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: zhou zhu zu sou so zhi zoo xu ?

zǒu to walk / to go / to run / to move (of vehicle) / to visit / to leave / to go away / to die (euph.) / from / through / away (in compound verbs, such as 撤走[che4 zou3]) / to change (shape, form, meaning)
zòu to play music / to achieve / to present a memorial to the emperor (old)
zòu to hit; to beat (sb) / (coll.) to smash (sth)
Zōu surname Zou / vassal state during the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC) in the southeast of Shandong
Zōu surname Zou
zōu groom or chariot driver employed by a noble (old)
Zōu surname Zou
zōu to choose / to consult
zōu corner / foot of mountain
Zōu name of a state / surname Zou
zōu arrow / weeds
Zōu surname Zou
zōu minnows / small fish
zōu uneven teeth / buck-toothed
zōu hemp stem
zōu birthplace of Confucius in Shandong
zōu beat the night watches / grasp
zōu purple silk
邹容 Zōu Róng Zou Rong (1885-1905), a martyr of the anti-Qing revolution, died in jail in 1905
邹衍 Zōu Yǎn Zou Yan (305-240 BC), founder of the School of Yin-Yang of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)
邹县 Zōu xiàn Zou county in Shandong
苏报案 bào àn Qing's 1903 suppression of revolutionary calls in newspaper 蘇報|苏报, leading to imprisonment of Zhang Taiyan 章太炎 and Zou Rong 鄒容|邹容
zǒu variant of 走[zou3]
邹韬奋 Zōu Tāo fèn Zou Taofen (1895-1944), journalist, political theorist and publisher
阴阳家 Yīn yáng jiā School of Yin-Yang of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) founded by Zou Yan 鄒衍|邹衍[Zou1 Yan3]

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