English to Chinese Dictionary


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dài band / belt / girdle / ribbon / tire / area / zone / region / CL:條|条[tiao2] / to wear / to carry / to take along / to bear (i.e. to have) / to lead / to bring / to look after / to raise
地带 dài zone / CL:個|个[ge4]
开发区 kāi development zone
深圳 Shēn zhèn Shenzhen subprovincial city in Guangdong, special economic zone close to Hong Kong
板门店 Bǎn mén diàn Panmunjeom, the Joint Security Area in the Korean demilitarized zone
时区 shí time zone
温带 wēn dài temperate zone
外带 wài dài take-out (fast food) / (outer part of) tire / as well / besides / into the bargain / outer zone
界别 jiè bié to divide up into different zones / (HK) sector of society / constituency / (taxonomy) kingdom
防波堤 fáng breakwater / seawall / fig. defensive buffer zone
险境 xiǎn jìng critical circumstances / risky conditions / danger zone
北温带 běi wēn dài the north temperate zone
北寒带 běi hán dài the north frigid zone
开城 Kāi chéng Kaesong or Gaeseong city in southwest North Korea, close to the border with South Korea and a special economic zone for South Korean companies
深圳市 Shēn zhèn shì Shenzhen subprovincial city in Guangdong, special economic zone close to Hong Kong
撤侨 chè qiáo to evacuate (e.g. foreign civilians from a war zone)
绿区 (Baghdad) green zone
心流 xīn liú (psychology) flow / being "in the zone"
申根区 Shēn gēn the Schengen area, a passport-free zone in Europe
中区 zhōng central district (of a city) / central zone
亚热带 dài subtropical (zone or climate)
副热带 dài subtropical (zone or climate)
地震区 zhèn seismic zone / earthquake belt
舒适圈 shū shì quān comfort zone
波带片 dài piān zone plate

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