English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: zhicheng xicheng zheng cicheng zisheng sicheng zecheng ziceng ?

自称 chēng to call oneself / to claim to be / to profess / to claim a title
闯王 Chuǎng Wáng Chuangwang or Roaming King, adopted name of late Ming peasant rebel leader Li Zicheng 李自成 (1605-1645)
自乘 chéng (math.) to multiply (a number) by itself; to raise (a number) to a power; (esp.) to square (a number)
枝城 Zhī chéng Zicheng town in Yidu county 宜都[Yi2 du1], Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1], Hubei
枝城镇 Zhī chéng zhèn Zicheng town in Yidu county 宜都[Yi2 du1], Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1], Hubei
夹山寺 Jiā shān Jiashan Temple, Buddhist temple in Shimen county 石門縣|石门县[Shi2 men2 xian4], Changde 常德[Chang2 de2], Hunan, the purported final home and burial place of late Ming peasant rebel leader Li Zicheng 李自成[Li3 Zi4 cheng2]
姚雪垠 Yáo Xuě yín Yao Xueyin (1910-1999), PRC novelist, author of historical novel Li Zicheng 李自成
李自成 chéng Li Zicheng (1605-1645), leader of peasant rebellion at the end of the Ming Dynasty
闯王陵 Chuǎng Wáng líng mausoleum to the late-Ming peasant rebel leader Li Zicheng 李自成[Li3 Ze4 cheng2], nicknamed Dashing King 闖王|闯王[Chuang3 Wang2]

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