English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: zhu zhuke zhuye zuge zhuo zhe zhege zhuce ?

诸葛 Zhū two-character surname Zhuge / Taiwan pr. [Zhu1ge2]
隆中 Lóng zhōng scenic area near Xiangyang 襄陽|襄阳[Xiang1 yang2] in Hubei, known as the secluded mountainous location where Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮[Zhu1 ge3 Liang4] lived as a young man
逐个 zhú one by one / one after another
孔明 Kǒng míng courtesy name of Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮[Zhu1 ge3 Liang4]
主格 zhǔ nominative case (grammar)
三顾茅庐 sān máo lit. to make three visits to the thatched cottage (idiom) (allusion to an episode in Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义[San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4] in which Liu Bei 劉備|刘备[Liu2 Bei4] recruits Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮[Zhu1 ge3 Liang4] to his cause by visiting him three times) / fig. to make earnest and repeated requests of sb
周瑜 Zhōu Zhou Yu (175-210), famous general of the southern Wu kingdom and victor of the battle of Redcliff / in Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义[San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4], absolutely no match for Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮[Zhu1 ge3 Liang4]
空城计 kōng chéng the empty city stratagem (in which Zhuge Liang presents himself as unperturbed while making it evident that his city is undefended, hoping his adversary will suspect an ambush); double bluff
蜀相 Shǔ xiàng the Prime Minister of Shu (i.e. Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮[Zhu1 ge3 Liang4])
诸葛亮 Zhū Liàng Zhuge Liang (181-234), military leader and prime minister of Shu Han 蜀漢|蜀汉[Shu3 Han4] during the Three Kingdoms period / the main hero of the fictional Romance of Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义[San1guo2 Yan3yi4], where he is portrayed as a sage and military genius / (fig.) a mastermind
武侯祠 hóu temple dedicated to the memory of Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮[Zhu1 ge3 Liang4] (There is one in Chengdu, and many others in various parts of China.)
卧龙 lóng nickname of Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮 / Wolong giant panda nature reserve 臥龍大熊貓保護區|卧龙大熊猫保护区 in Wenchuan county, northwest Sichuan / Wolong district of Nanyang city 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan

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