English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: zhongyan zongyuan zhonghuan zhongjuan zhongxuan zhongshan zhongnan zhengyan ?

中原 Zhōng yuán Central Plain, the middle and lower regions of the Yellow river, including Henan, western Shandong, southern Shanxi and Hebei
中远 Zhōng yuǎn China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) (abbr. for 中國遠洋運輸|中国远洋运输[Zhong1 guo2 Yuan3 yang2 Yun4 shu1])
中元 Zhōng yuán Ghost Festival on 15th day of 7th lunar month when offerings are made to the deceased
中原区 Zhōng yuán Zhongyuan District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zheng4 zhou1 Shi4], Henan

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