English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: zhongshi zhengshu zongshu zhangshu zhongshui zhongchu zhongshuo zhengshi ?

中暑 zhòng shǔ to suffer heat exhaustion / sunstroke; heatstroke
围城 Wéi chéng Fortress Besieged, 1947 novel by Qian Zhongshu 錢鍾書|钱钟书[Qian2 Zhong1shu1], filmed as a TV serial
中枢 zhōng shū center; hub / the central administration
忠恕 zhōng shù loyalty and consideration for others; magnanimity (ideal virtues in Confucianism)
众数 zhòng shù (statistics) mode
种薯 zhǒng shǔ seed tuber
种树 zhòng shù to plant trees
钱钟书 Qián Zhōng shū Qian Zhongshu (1910-1998), Chinese scholar and writer, author of the 1947 novel Fortress Beseiged 圍城|围城[Wei2cheng2]
春秋繁露 Chūn qiū Fán Luxuriant Dew of the Spring and Autumn Annals, ideological tract by Han dynasty political philosopher Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒[Dong3 Zhong4 shu1]
举贤良对策 xián liáng duì Treatise 134 BC by Han dynasty philosopher Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒
董仲舒 Dǒng Zhòng shū Dong Zhongshu (179-104 BC), philosopher influential in establishing Confucianism as the established system of values of former Han dynasty

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