English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: zhengxing zhenxiang zhongxiang zhangxiang zhengxian zhengqiang zhengxiong zhenjiang ?

正向 zhèng xiàng forward (direction) / positive (thinking, mood, values etc)
征象 zhēng xiàng sign / symptom
争相 zhēng xiāng to fall over each other in their eagerness to...
蒸湘 Zhēng xiāng Zhengxiang district of Hengyang city 衡陽市|衡阳市[Heng2 yang2 shi4], Hunan
正象 zhèng xiàng to be just like
症象 zhèng xiàng symptom
蒸湘区 Zhēng xiāng Zhengxiang district of Hengyang city 衡陽市|衡阳市[Heng2 yang2 shi4], Hunan
陆征祥 Zhēng xiáng Lu Zhengxiang (1871-1949), Chinese diplomat and Catholic monk

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