English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: zhenshi zhongshi zhengzhi zhengshu zhangshi zhengchi zhengeshi zhengshui ?

正是 zhèng shì is precisely
正式 zhèng shì formal; official
证实 zhèng shí to confirm (sth to be true) / to verify
正视 zhèng shì to face squarely; to meet head on; to face up to
正史 zhèng shǐ the 24 or 25 official dynastic histories / true history, as opposed to fictional adaptation or popular legends
正室 zhèng shì primary wife (in contrast to concubine); legal wife
政事 zhèng shì politics; government affairs
征实 zhēng shí levies in kind / grain tax
正事 zhèng shì one's proper business
征士 zhēng shì soldier (in battle)
正时 zhèng shí timing (of an engine)

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