English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: zhi zhao zha zai zhui zhou zhu zhiai ?

zhāi to take; to pick (flowers, fruit etc); to pluck; to remove; to take off (glasses, hat etc) / to select; to pick out / to borrow money at a time of urgent need
zhài debt / CL:筆|笔[bi3]
zhǎi narrow / narrow-minded / badly off
zhài stronghold / stockade / camp / (stockaded) village
Zhái surname Zhai
zhāi to fast or abstain from meat, wine etc / vegetarian diet / study room / building / to give alms (to a monk)
Zhài surname Zhai
zhái residence / (coll.) to stay in at home / to hang around at home
zhài variant of 寨[zhai4]
zhāi old variant of 齋|斋[zhai1]
zhài (literary) disease (esp. tuberculosis)
zhāi Japanese variant of 齋|斋[zhai1]
zhāi lean on one side
翟志刚 Zhái Zhì gāng Zhai Zhigang (1966-), Chinese astronaut

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