English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: zheng zong zang song seng ceng zhang sing ?

zēng (bound form) to increase; to augment; to add to
zèng to give as a present / to repel / to bestow an honorary title after death (old)
Zēng surname Zeng
zēng great- (grandfather, grandchild etc)
zèng heddle / Taiwan pr. [zong4]
zēng to detest
zēng large square net
zèng cauldron / rice pot
zēng dwelling on top of wooden stakes
Zēng surname Zeng
zēng silk fabrics
zèng to tie / to bind
zèng polished / shiny
zēng arrow with a streamer
Zēng surname Zeng / Zhou vassal state / also pr. [Ceng2]
zēng Japanese variant of 增[zeng1]
曾庆红 Zēng Qìng hóng Zeng Qinghong (1939-), vice-president of PRC 2003-2008
曾巩 Zēng Gǒng Zeng Gong (1019-1083), Song dynasty writer, one of the eight giants 唐宋八大家[Tang2-Song4 ba1da4jia1]
曾参 Zēng Shēn Zeng Shen (505-435 BC), a.k.a. 曾子[Zeng1 zi3], student of Confucius, presumed editor or author of Confucian classic the Great Learning 大學|大学[Da4 xue2]
唐宋八大家 Táng - Sòng jiā the eight giants of Tang and Song prose, esp. involved in the Classics movement 古文運動|古文运动[gu3wen2 yun4dong4], namely: Han Yu 韓愈|韩愈[Han2 Yu4], Liu Zongyuan 柳宗元[Liu3 Zong1yuan2], Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修|欧阳修[Ou1yang2 Xiu1], the three Su's 三蘇|三苏[San1 Su1], Wang Anshi 王安石[Wang2 An1shi2], Zeng Gong 曾鞏|曾巩[Zeng1 Gong3]
曾国藩 Zēng Guó fān Zeng Guofan (1811-1872), Qing dynasty politician and military man
孽海花 Niè hǎi huā A Flower in a Sinful Sea, late-Qing novel by Jin Tianhe 金天翮[Jin1 Tian1he2] and Zeng Pu 曾樸|曾朴[Zeng1 Pu3]
曾孝谷 Zēng Xiào Zeng Xiaogu (1873-1937), actor and pioneer of Chinese drama in New Culture style
曾朴 Zēng Zeng Pu (1872-1935), novelist and publisher
曾繁仁 Zēng Fán rén Zeng Fanren, president of Shandong University from February 1998 until July 2000

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