English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: zimin semen zen zijin ziyin zimi zheyin zhimin ?

三个代表 Sān Dài biǎo the Three Represents, a set of three guiding principles for the CCP introduced by Jiang Zemin 江澤民|江泽民[Jiang1 Ze2 min2] in 2000 and enshrined in the Constitution in 2004
江八点 Jiāng diǎn Jiang Zemin's 江澤民|江泽民[Jiang1 Ze2min2] eight propositions on developing relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, presented in a 1995 speech
图样图森破 yàng sēn (Internet slang) to have a simplistic view of sth (transcription of "too young, too simple" – English words spoken by Jiang Zemin 江澤民|江泽民[Jiang1 Ze2 min2] in chastizing Hong Kong reporters in 2000)
江泽民 Jiāng mín Jiang Zemin (1926-2022), politician, president of PRC 1993-2003

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