English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: yoke yes yake youke yuke yeke yike ?

羁绊 bàn trammels / fetters / yoke / to restrain / to hinder / restraint
yàng wooden yoke for a draft ox
牵绊 qiān bàn to bind / to yoke / to impede
受制 shòu zhì to be controlled (by sb) / to suffer under a yoke
ox yoke placed on the horns
è yoke
rings on the yokes
ends of yoke
十字架 shí jià cross / crucifix / yoke one has to endure
卸套 xiè tào to loosen a yoke / to remove harness (from beast of burden)
牛轭 niú è yoke
勒勒车 lēi lēi chē wagon (yoked to beast of burden)
枷销 jiā xiāo yoke / chains / shackles / fetters
牛鞅 niú yàng wooden yoke for a draft ox
𫐄 yuè crossbar for yoking horses

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