English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: xu xie see sue xi su sui xuke ?

xué to learn / to study / to imitate / science / -ology
xuě snow / CL:場|场[chang2] / (literary) to wipe away (a humiliation etc)
xuè blood / colloquial pr. [xie3] / CL:滴[di1],片[pian4]
Xuě surname Xue
xuē to pare / to reduce / to remove / Taiwan pr. [xue4]
Xuē surname Xue / vassal state during the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC)
xuē wormwood like grass (classical)
xué cave / cavity / hole / acupuncture point / Taiwan pr. [xue4]
xué to store grain by enclosing it in a woven mat rolled into a vertical cylinder
xuē boots
xuě codfish / Gadus macrocephalus
xuē variant of 靴[xue1]
xuè (archaic) to enter / to fly
xuè joy / to joke / to banter / to tease / to mock / Taiwan pr. [nu:e4]
xué to walk around / turn back midway
xué to polish horn
xué various species of finch (old)
xué big rocky mountain
xué to grasp
xué variant of 學|学[xue2]
贾宝玉 Jiǎ Bǎo Jia Baoyu, male character in The Dream of Red Mansions, in love with his cousin Lin Daiyu 林黛玉 but obliged to marry Xue Baochai 薛寶釵|薛宝钗
薛仁贵 Xuē Rén guì Xue Rengui (614-683) great Tang dynasty general
薛宝钗 Xuē Bǎo chāi Xue Baochai, female character in Dream of Red Mansions, married to Jia Baoyu 賈寶玉|贾宝玉
五代史 dài shǐ History of the Five Dynasties, eighteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Xue Juzheng 薛居正[Xue1 Ju1 zheng4] in 974 during Northern Song 北宋[Bei3 Song4], 150 scrolls
唐初四大家 Táng chū jiā Four Great Calligraphers of early Tang / refers to Yu Shinan 虞世南[Yu2 Shi4 nan2], Ouyang Xun 歐陽詢|欧阳询[Ou1 yang2 Xun2], Chu Suiliang 褚遂良[Chu3 Sui4 liang2] and Xue Ji 薛稷[Xue1 Ji4]

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