English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: xining xijing zixing cixing xiqing xixiang xiang sixing ?

习性 xìng character acquired through long habit / habits and properties
许仲琳 Zhòng lín Xu Zhonglin or Chen Zhonglin 陳仲琳|陈仲琳[Chen2 Zhong4 lin2] (c. 1567-c. 1620), Ming novelist, to whom the fantasy novel Investiture of the Gods 封神演義|封神演义[Feng1 shen2 Yan3 yi4] is attributed, together with Lu Xixing 陸西星|陆西星[Lu4 Xi1 xing1]
喜兴 xìng joyous; delighted; merry
陈仲琳 Chén Zhòng lín Chen Zhonglin, aka Xu Zhonglin 許仲琳|许仲琳[Xu3 Zhong4lin2] (c. 1567-c. 1620), Ming novelist, to whom the fantasy novel Investiture of the Gods 封神演義|封神演义[Feng1shen2 Yan3yi4] is attributed, together with Lu Xixing 陸西星|陆西星[Lu4 Xi1xing1]
陆西星 xīng Lu Xixing (1520-c. 1601), Ming Daoist author, to whom the fantasy novel Investiture of the Gods 封神演義|封神演义[Feng1 shen2 Yan3 yi4] is attributed, together with Xu Zhonglin 許仲琳|许仲琳[Xu3 Zhong4 lin2]

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