English to Chinese Dictionary


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天王 tiān wáng emperor / god / Hong Xiuquan's self-proclaimed title / see also 洪秀全[Hong2 Xiu4 quan2]
太平天国起义 Tài píng Tiān guó Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864), a massive rebellion in southern China against the Qing Dynasty, led by Hong Xiuquan 洪秀全[Hong2 Xiu4quan2], who sought to establish the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 太平天國|太平天国[Tai4ping2 Tian1guo2], resulting in one of the deadliest conflicts in history with millions of casualties
洪秀全 Hóng Xiù quán Hong Xiuquan or Hung Hsiu-ch'üan (1814-1864), leader of the Taiping rebellion or Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

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