English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: xian zijin sijin xiajin xijian xixin xiyin xiqin ?

西晋 Jìn Western Jin dynasty (265-316)
锡金 jīn Sikkim, Indian state bordering Tibet
叼盘 diāo pán (of a dog) to hold a frisbee in its mouth / (fig.) derogatory nickname given to Hu Xijin 胡錫進|胡锡进[Hu2 Xi1 jin4] for doing the CCP's bidding as editor of the "Global Times"
吸尽 jìn to absorb completely / to drink up
吸进 jìn to inhale / to breathe in
吸金 jīn money-spinning / moneymaking
胡叼盘 Diāo pán derogatory nickname given to Hu Xijin 胡錫進|胡锡进[Hu2 Xi1 jin4] for doing the CCP's bidding as editor of the "Global Times"
胡锡进 jìn Hu Xijin (1960-), editor-in-chief of the "Global Times" 環球時報|环球时报[Huan2 qiu2 Shi2 bao4] 2005-2021

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