English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: xi xia xiu see xue xihe xu xiao ?

xiě to write
xié shoe / CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]
xié variant of 鞋[xie2]
xiē classifier indicating a small amount or small number greater than 1: some, a few, several
xié inclined / slanting / oblique / tilting
xiē to rest / to take a break / to stop / to halt / (dialect) to sleep / a moment / a short while
xiè to unload / to unhitch / to remove or strip / to get rid of
xié demonic / iniquitous / nefarious / evil / unhealthy influences that cause disease (Chinese medicine) / (coll.) strange / abnormal
xiè (bound form) to leak out; to discharge; (fig.) to divulge
xié old variant of 邪[xie2]
xiè to flow out swiftly / to flood / a torrent / diarrhea / laxative
xiè variant of 洩|泄[xie4]
xiě see 血[xue4]
xié to be in harmony
xié head
xiē scorpion
Xiè surname Xie
xié to carry / to take along / to bring along / to hold (hands) / also pr. [xi1]
xiè lax / negligent
xiè wooden shoes
xié flank (the side of one's torso) / to coerce / to threaten
xié (bound form) harmonious / (bound form) humorous / (literary) to reach agreement
xié marking line / pure / to regulate
xiè (literary) candle stub
xiē variant of 蠍|蝎[xie1]

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