English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: xiaoshi xiaoshou xiaoshe xiaoshuo xiaosu xiaochu xiaohu xiaosha ?

小数 xiǎo shù small figure / small amount / the part of a number to the right of the decimal point (or radix point) / fractional part of a number / number between 0 and 1 / decimal fraction
小叔 xiǎo shū husband's younger brother / brother-in-law
消暑 xiāo shǔ to spend a summer holiday / to beat the summer heat
小暑 Xiǎo shǔ Xiaoshu or Lesser Heat, 11th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 7th-22nd July
小鼠 xiǎo shǔ mouse
小树 xiǎo shù shrub / small tree / sapling / CL:棵[ke1]

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