English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: xiao xiaoe xiaosa xiaosi xiaosu xia xiaose xiaoshi ?

Xiāo surname Xiao / Taiwan pr. [Xiao4]
Xiāo surname Xiao
吹箫 chuī xiāo to play the xiao 簫|箫[xiao1] (mouth organ) / to beg while playing pipes; cf politician Wu Zixu 伍子胥[Wu3 Zi3 xu1], c. 520 BC destitute refugee in Wu town, 吳市吹簫|吴市吹箫[Wu2 shi4 chui1 xiao1] / to busk / virtuoso piper wins a beauty, cf 玉人吹簫|玉人吹箫[yu4 ren2 chui1 xiao1] / (slang) fellatio / blowjob
xiāo xiao, a Chinese musical instrument of ancient times, similar to panpipes
萧县 Xiāo Xiàn Xiao County or Xiaoxian, a county in Suzhou 宿州[Su4zhou1], Anhui
成也萧何,败也萧何 chéng Xiāo , bài Xiāo lit. raised up by Xiao He, cast down by Xiao He (idiom), alluding to Han Xin 韓信|韩信[Han2 Xin4] being made Grand General 大將軍|大将军[da4 jiang1 jun1] / fig. a situation where one's success and failure are both due to the same factor
赵州桥 Zhào zhōu Qiáo Zhaozhou Bridge over Xiao River 洨河[Xiao2 He2] in Zhao county 趙縣|赵县[Zhao4 Xian4], Shijiazhuang, Hebei, dating back to the Sui dynasty 隋代[Sui2 dai4] (581-617) and the world's oldest extant stone arch bridge
Xiáo Xiao River in Hebei province
小薰 Xiǎo Xūn Xiao Xun (1989-), Taiwan actress
萧规曹随 Xiāo guī Cáo suí lit. Xiao's 蕭何|萧何[Xiao1 He2] governance followed by Cao 曹參|曹参[Cao2 Can1] (idiom) / fig. to strictly adhere to the policies of the predecessor / to follow precedent
萧何 Xiāo Xiao He (-193 BC), famous strategist and chancellor, fought on Liu Bang's 劉邦|刘邦[Liu2 Bang1] side during the Chu-Han Contention 楚漢戰爭|楚汉战争[Chu3 Han4 Zhan4 zheng1]
萧红 Xiāo Hóng Xiao Hong (1911-1942), prominent woman writer, originally from Heilongjiang
齐书 shū History of Qi of the Southern Dynasties, seventh of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled by Xiao Zixian 蕭子顯|萧子显[Xiao1 Zi3 xian3] in 537 during Liang of the Southern Dynasties 南朝梁[Nan2 chao2 Liang2], 59 scrolls / usually 南齊書|南齐书[Nan2 Qi2 shu1] to distinguish from Northern Qi
萧乾 Xiāo Qián Xiao Qian (1910-1999), Mongolian-born, Cambridge-educated journalist active during Second World War in Europe, subsequently famous author and translator
肖扬 Xiāo Yáng Xiao Yang (1938-), president of the PRC Supreme Court 1998-2008
洨河 Xiáo Xiao River in Hebei
小桥 Xiǎo Qiáo Xiao Qiao, one of the Two Qiaos, according to Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义[San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4], the two great beauties of ancient China
吴市吹箫 shì chuī xiāo to beg while playing the xiao 簫|箫[xiao1] (mouth organ) / cf Wu Zixu 伍子胥[Wu3 Zi3 xu1], destitute refugee from Chu 楚[Chu3], busked in Wu town c. 520 BC, then became a powerful politician
南齐书 Nán shū History of Qi of the Southern Dynasties, seventh of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled by Xiao Zixian 蕭子顯|萧子显[Xiao1 Zi3 xian3] in 537 during Liang of the Southern Dynasties 南朝梁[Nan2 chao2 Liang2], 59 scrolls
吹箫乞食 chuī xiāo shí to beg while playing the xiao 簫|箫[xiao1] (mouth organ) / cf Wu Zixu 伍子胥[Wu3 Zi3 xu1], destitute refugee from Chu 楚[Chu3], busked in Wu town c. 520 BC, then became a powerful politician
小儿经 Xiǎo ér jīng Xiao'erjing, refers to the use of the Arabic alphabet to write Chinese
清代通史 Qīng dài Tōng shǐ General History of the Qing dynasty, compiled under Xiao Yishan 蕭一山|萧一山[Xiao1 Yi1 shan1]
玉人吹箫 rén chuī xiāo virtuoso piper wins a beauty / the xiao 簫|箫[xiao1] (mouth organ) virtuoso 蕭史|萧史[Xiao1 Shi3] won for his wife the beautiful daughter of Duke Mu of Qin 秦穆公[Qin2 Mu4 gong1]
秦孝公 Qín Xiào gōng Duke Xiao of Qin, 秦國|秦国[Qin2 guo2], ruled 361-338 BC during the Warring States Period
萧一山 Xiāo shān Xiao Yishan (1902-1978), Modern historian of the Qing dynasty

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