English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: xiangqi xianxi xianji xiang xianqu xinqi xianci xianqiu ?

掀起 xiān to lift; to raise (a lid etc) / (of a storm) to surge; to stir up (waves etc) / (fig.) to trigger; set off (a wave of popularity, a controversy etc)
嫌弃 xián to regard with disdain; to shun
贤妻 xián (old) perfect wife / you, my beloved wife
限期 xiàn to set a time limit / time limit / deadline
先期 xiān the time before a certain date; in advance; beforehand; premature / initial period
仙气 xiān ethereal quality / (Chinese folklore) a puff of breath from the mouth of a celestial being, which can magically transform an object into sth else

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