English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: tv dhf ttv ?

卧槽 cáo (Internet slang) (substitute for 我肏[wo3 cao4]) fuck / WTF
卧草 cǎo (substitute for 我肏[wo3 cao4]) fuck / WTF / (soccer) to waste time by feigning injury
我曹 cáo (archaic) we / us / (Internet slang) (substitute for 我肏[wo3 cao4]) fuck / WTF
我肏 cào (vulgar) fuck / WTF
我操 cào (substitute for 我肏[wo3 cao4]) fuck / WTF
毁三观 huǐ sān guān (Internet slang) (of a situation, video clip etc) to make one think "wtf!"

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