English to Chinese Dictionary


布什 shí Bush (name) / George H.W. Bush (1924-2018), US president 1988-1992 / George W. Bush (1946-), US President 2000-2008
w w (Internet slang) ten thousand (abbr. for 萬|万[wan4])
毛姆 Máo Maugham (family name) / W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965), English writer
智神星 Zhì shén xīng Pallas, an asteroid, discovered in 1802 by H.W. Olbers
朱利亚尼 Zhū Giuliani (name) / Rudolph W (Rudy) Giuliani (1944-), US Republican politician, Mayor of New York City 1994-2001
灶神星 Zào shén xīng Vesta, an asteroid, second most massive object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, discovered in 1807 by H.W. Olbers
顿涅斯克 Dùn niè Donetsk region of W. Ukraine

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