English to Chinese Dictionary


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模糊 hu vague / indistinct / fuzzy
隐约 yǐn yuē vague / faint / indistinct
含糊 hán hu ambiguous / vague / careless / perfunctory
笼统 lǒng tǒng general / broad / sweeping / lacking in detail / vague
暧昧 ài mèi vague / ambiguous / equivocal / dubious
眼花 yǎn huā dimmed eyesight / blurred / vague and unclear vision
依稀 vaguely / dimly / probably / very likely
渺茫 miǎo máng uncertain / remote / distant and indistinct / vague
隐晦 yǐn huì vague / ambiguous / veiled / obscure
疏阔 shū kuò inaccurate / slipshod / poorly thought-out / distant / vague / long-separated / broadly scattered
浅淡 qiǎn dàn light (color) / pale / vague (feeling)
(old) vaguely / suddenly
马马虎虎 ma careless / casual / vague / not so bad / so-so / tolerable / fair
糊里糊涂 li confused / vague / indistinct / muddle-headed / mixed up / in a daze
若即若离 ruò ruò lit. seeming neither close nor distant (idiom) / fig. to keep one's distance / (of a relationship) lukewarm / vague
空泛 kōng fàn vague and general / not specific / shallow / empty
含混 hán hùn vague / unclear / ambiguous
恍惚 huǎng absent-minded / distracted / dazzled / vaguely / dimly
支吾 zhī wu to respond evasively or vaguely / to elude / to stall
yùn hemp / vague / mysterious
恍然 huǎng rán suddenly (perceive) / confused; vague; distracted
浮泛 fàn to float about / (of a feeling) to show on the face / (of speech, friendship etc) shallow / vague
隐约其辞 yǐn yuē equivocal speech / to use vague or ambiguous language
绕腾 rào teng to run a long way around / fig. to speak vaguely around the topic without getting to the point / to beat about the bush
含含糊糊 hán hán (of speech) obscure / unclear / (of actions) vague / ineffectual

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