English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: tone time tun tuna ten done tan dune ?

diào to transfer / to move (troops or cadres) / to investigate / to enquire into / accent / view / argument / key (in music) / mode (music) / tune / tone / melody
顺应 shùn yìng to comply; to conform to; in tune with; adapting to; to adjust to
tune / song / CL:支[zhi1]
小曲 xiǎo popular song / folk tune / ballad
qiāng (bound form) cavity / tune / accent (in one's speech) / (old) (classifier for carcasses of slaughtered livestock)
调子 diào zi tune / melody / tuning / cadence / intonation / (speech) tone
曲子 zi poem for singing / tune / music / CL:支[zhi1]
杨柳 yáng liǔ willow tree / poplar and willow / name of traditional tune
微调 wēi tiáo fine tuning / trimming
调音 tiáo yīn to tune (a musical instrument)
词牌 pái names of the tunes to which 詞|词[ci2] poems are composed
音律 yīn tuning; temperament / music
奏乐 zòu yuè to perform music / to play a tune
调头 diào tou tone (of voice) / tune
调谐 tiáo xié harmonious / to adjust / to tune (e.g. wireless receiver) / to bring into harmony
余韵 yùn pleasant lingering effect / memorable stylishness / haunting tune / aftertaste (of a good wine etc)
填词 tián to compose a poem (to a given tune)
异曲同工 tóng gōng different tunes played with equal skill (idiom) / different methods leading to the same result / different approach but equally satisfactory outcome
改口 gǎi kǒu to change one's tune / to modify one's previous remark / to change the way one addresses sb (as when one marries and starts to call one's husband's parents 爸爸[ba4 ba5] and 媽媽|妈妈[ma1 ma5])
定弦 dìng xián tuning (stringed instrument) / (fig.) to make up one's mind
走调 zǒu diào out of tune / off-key
音叉 yīn chā tuning fork
老调重弹 lǎo diào chóng tán to play the same old tune (idiom); unoriginal
律吕 tuning; temperament
腔调 qiāng diào a tune / a melody / accent (distinctive way of pronouncing a language) / tone (manner of expression) / elegance / refinement

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