English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: ten tan tune tin dun tuan town than ?

tūn to swallow / to take
tún to station (soldiers) / to store up / village
tún buttocks; hips; rump
tún used in 餛飩|馄饨[hun2tun5] / Taiwan pr. [dun4]
tún green sprout / foolish
tún suckling pig
tún to store; to hoard
tùn to slip out of sth / to hide sth in one's sleeve
tún old variant of 臀[tun2]
tún pufferfish (family Tetraodontidae)
tūn sun above the horizon
tūn move slowly
tǔn to float / to deep-fry
tūn variant of 吞[tun1]
tūn bright / radiant / Taiwan pr. [chun2]
tūn planet Jupiter / vomit
tún war chariot
tūn yellowish-black
tūn morning sun, sunrise
tún old variant of 豚[tun2]
屯区 Tún Tun District – area of Taichung (in Taiwan) between the coastal (western) part of the city and the mountains to the east

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