English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: than tan tian duan tun town then team ?

tuán round / lump / ball / to roll into a ball / to gather / regiment / group / society / classifier for a lump or a soft mass: wad (of paper), ball (of wool), cloud (of smoke)
tuán dumpling
图案 àn design; pattern
tuàn to foretell the future using the trigrams of the Book of Changes 易經|易经
tuān (literary) (of a fire) lively / blazing
tuán sad
tuǎn village / animal track
tuān to rush (of water)
tuān contraction of the three characters of 圖書館|图书馆[tu2 shu1 guan3] / library
tuán slash
tuǎn place trodden by animals
tuán heavy dew
tuán Japanese variant of 團|团
tuán to roll up into a ball with one's hands (variant of 團|团[tuan2]) / (literary) to circle; to wheel
陈抟 Chén Tuán Chen Tuan (871-989), a legendary Daoist sage

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