English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: tsing tsang tsung tuceng tisheng tsewang tugeng tusang ?

深井 Shēn Jǐng Sham Tseng (area in Hong Kong)
倪桂珍 Guì zhēn Ni Guizhen or Ni Kwei-Tseng (1869 - 1931), mother of Song Ailing 宋藹齡|宋蔼龄[Song4 Ai3 ling2], Song Qingling 宋慶齡|宋庆龄[Song4 Qing4 ling2] and Song Meiling 宋美齡|宋美龄[Song4 Mei3 ling2]
曾纪泽 Zēng Cang Jize or Tseng Chi-tse (1839-1890), pioneer diplomat of late Qing, serve as imperial commissioner (ambassador) to UK, France and Russia
苏贞昌 Zhēn chāng Su Tseng-chang (1947-), Taiwanese DPP politician, premier of the Republic of China (2019-)

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