English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to too the tu toy dou tw toe ?

tóu head / hair style / the top / end / beginning or end / a stub / remnant / chief / boss / side / aspect / first / leading / classifier for pigs or livestock / CL:個|个[ge4]
tou suffix for nouns
tóu to throw (sth in a specific direction: ball, javelin, grenade etc) / to cast (a ballot) / to cast (a glance, a shadow etc) / to put in (money for investment, a coin to operate a slot machine) / to send (a letter, a manuscript etc) / to throw oneself into (a river, a well etc to commit suicide) / to go to; to seek refuge; to place oneself into the hands of / (coll.) to rinse (clothes) in water
tòu (bound form) to penetrate; to seep through / to tell secretly; to leak / thoroughly; through and through / to appear; to show
tōu to steal / to pilfer / to snatch / thief / stealthily
tóu dice
tóu "lid" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 8)
tǒu a yellow color
Tǒu surname Tou
tǒu a wine flagon
tōu improper / irregular
tǒu yellow (archaic)
tōu variant of 偷[tou1]
tǒu (feminine name) / beautiful / fair
tóu short board / plank

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